Chinese Tea Ceremony

Paying respect to culture & tradition.

Melisa appreciates other cultures and the importance of acknowledging one’s roots.  The Chinese tea ceremony is an example of this appreciation.  She understands it is important to consult with family members about their experiences and expectations for this ceremony; including the location and date, the challenges to be conducted, the type of tea, even the way it is served. 

Traditionally the ceremony is conducted on the morning of the wedding at the bride’s home with only her family and the groom in attendance.

For those wanting a modern / western twist the ceremony can be conducted the day before or just prior to the wedding ceremony with both families, the I do crew and friends.

When planning the tea ceremony consider both families traditions, the guests attending, the venue, timing of the event and the costs involved including photographer, videographer, hair and / or makeup artist.

A tea ceremony is a great way to showcase your heritage and involve family and friends.

The Process

  • Vibe check. You, your partner and Melisa chat via zoom (15 – 30 minutes).

    Tell Melisa your ideas for the tea ceremony, your parents and grandparent’s expectations and how she can honour your heritage.

    In choosing Melisa you can feel confident that your culture will be honoured.

  • To book Melisa sign her service agreement and pay the non-refundable, non-transferable booking fee to secure your chosen date.

  • Melisa will provide you with a gift pack including resources and information to assist you in the planning of the tea ceremony.

    She can also arrange a Mandarin / Cantonese (or any other language) interpreter for you, if required.

  • Melisa will arrive 30 minutes prior to the event, where a sense of family and tradition, fun and belonging is felt by all.

  • Melisa will be in touch to hear your thoughts regarding the ceremony.