
“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.”

— Mignon McLaughlin

Think Registry style wedding but in a venue of your choice.  Elopement ceremonies have five people in attendance: the celebrant, the couple and two witnesses – which Melisa can provide if you want it to be completely private.

The legal wording ceremony script includes:

The celebrant says their full name and explains that marriage is, according to law in Australia, is the union of two people to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life.

Vows said by person 1 and person 2
I call upon the people here present to witness that I (full name) take you, (full name) to be my lawful wedded wife / husband / spouse.

The couple, two witnesses and celebrant sign three Marriage Certificates.

Then you celebrate getting hitched however you like.

The Process

  • Vibe check. You, your partner & Melisa chat via zoom (15 - 30 minutes). Let her know the details of when and where.

    She’ll want to hear all about your plans and discuss how she can be of assistance to you.

    This is an opportunity for you to be assured that Melisa is the right fit and feel comfortable with her.

  • Let’s do this!

    Sign the service agreement and pay the non-refundable, non-transferable booking fee to secure your chosen date.

  • Melisa will arrange a second zoom where you sign the first of three legal documents called a Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM). This legal document must be completed within 18 and 1 calendar months before the marriage ceremony date.

    Melisa will inform you of the options for the legal wording for your selection.

    Before the wedding day you meet with Melisa at the venue to sign the second legal document Declaration of No Legal Impediment to Marriage (DONLIM).

  • Melisa arrives 30 minutes prior to check in with the couple and witnesses to make sure everyone is ready.

    The ceremony takes place, during which time the third legal document, Certificate of Marriage, is signed.

    It's official, now it’s time to party!

  • Melisa submits the legal paperwork. You will receive the legal copy of the Marriage Certificate from the Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages by mail.

    She will contact you to hear your thoughts about the day.