Commitment Ceremony

Marriage Ceremony

Vow Renewal

Creating a ceremony that reflects your unique journey.

Commitment Ceremony

Like a marriage ceremony, a commitment ceremony is a meaningful affirmation of the couples love for each other without the legal paperwork. There can be little or no structure to this ceremony.  It is limited only by the couples’ imagination and budget.  Melisa can guide you to create an event that is as unique as you are.

Marriage Ceremony

This is the moment where two people bond for life.  How do you imagine it? 

Melisa is all about the details … does your vision differ from your partner’s? Is it traditional or modern? Outdoors or inside? Surrounded by a few or many? Take 20 minutes or 1 hour?  Does it include family and / or friends? Have a wow factor? Is it Insta worthy? Or maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed.  It's okay Melisa is here to help you.  She can guide you to create a bespoke ceremony that reflects you and your partner’s values, beliefs and passions.  An event that will be remembered and discussed for years to come.

Vow Renewal

For married couples who want to reaffirm their commitment to one another.

Particularly, post covid we know life doesn’t always go according to plan.  Sometimes we need a moment to reflect on what is truly important.  Melisa believes the answer to that is love.  And love takes work, you need to choose it every day.  We should celebrate the milestones like today – the day you’ve decided to make it a priority. 

Let Melisa assist you in creating the ultimate romantic moment, the one where you choose each other again. 

The Process

  • Vibe check – is Melisa the celebrant for you?

    You, your partner and Melisa chat via zoom (15 – 30 minutes) about your plans and discuss how she can be of assistance to you.

  • Let’s do this!

    Sign the service agreement and pay the non-refundable, non-transferable booking fee to secure your chosen date.

  • Melisa will provide you with information & resources to help you plan the ceremony. Including options for the wording, your love story, ring exchange, rituals and music suggestions.

    For couples getting married, she will arrange a second zoom meeting to sign the first of three legal documents called the Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM). Please note this document must be completed within 18 and 1 calendar months before the marriage ceremony date.

    Prior to the event, Melisa will meet with you at the venue to finalise the details and give you a complementary gift. For couples getting married, this includes the completion of the second legal document known as a Declaration of No Legal Impediment to Marriage (DONLIM).

  • Melisa arrives 30 minutes prior to check in with everyone involved in the ceremony to confirm they know the plan.

    The ceremony takes place where there may be laughter and tears along with heartfelt moments.

    For marriage ceremonies the third legal document is signed by the couple, two witnesses and the celebrant, the Marriage Certificate.

    You also have the option of hiring Melisa as MC and / or speech writer for the couple, I Do crew, parents or anyone else you would like saying a few words at the reception. That way there’s no awkward moments like stories about an ex or mention of the wedding night!

  • Melisa will contact you to hear your thoughts about the day.

    And if you got married… submit the legal paperwork. You will receive the legal copy of the Marriage Certificate from the Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages by mail.